How to get there

How to get from Milan to Lake Garda

The distance from Milan to Lake Garda (Lago di Garda) is 119 kilometers. You can get from Milan to the city of Desenzano del Garda by train in just an hour or go on a trip by yourself, renting a car upon arrival at one of the airports. Consider in detail the features of each method.

By train

There are train stations on the shores of Lake Garda only in the cities of Peschiera del Garda and Desenzano del Garda, and we will keep our way there.

From Milan Central Station (Milano Centrale) to Desenzano, regional and high-speed trains run. I advise friends and all travelers, if possible, to buy tickets in advance only for Italotreno company - modern and comfortable trains are almost late.

Travel time to Lake Garda will be only 51 minutes, departure from Milan three times a day: at 08:34, 13:34, 16:34.

A ticket in the second class costs from 12 to 20 euros, in a business from 16 to 30 euros. If you take care of the tickets in advance, then you can manage to buy them for only 10 euros.

Coach also directs its trains to Desenzano from Milan at intervals of approximately once per hour.

The cheapest way is to go to Garda from Milan by regional train for 9.20 euros. Usually in such trains there is no choice of place, take any free one. Estimated travel time is 1 hour 22 minutes, but lay 2 hours, as they often delay.

A regional train ticket can be bought on the day of departure at the station - the cost is always the same.

More advanced travelers can book tickets to all destinations in Italy online in the application - prices are exactly the same as in Trenitalia, only without glitches and in Russian.

By car

Drive from Milan to Lake Garda for about an hour and a half. You can, immediately upon arrival, pick up a car booked in advance and go on a trip. Read tips on car rental in Italy at Some sections of the A35 and A4 tracks are paid, prepare 9.10 euros. You can make a route through Bergamo and plan a walk there for two to three hours, or go through Treviglio - there you can also make a stop to explore the city.

I am sure that now you can easily get to Lake Garda from Milan. If you need advice on the route, I will be happy to answer your questions in the comments.


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