
How to get from Dresden to Berlin

From Berlin to Dresden about 190 km and you can overcome them by bus, train or car.

Dresden Central Station

By bus for € 7

flixbus departureCity = 355 arrivalCity = 88

Most often, to get from Dresden to Berlin, travelers choose a bus. It is fast and economical. Every day, starting from 04:00, approximately every hour, buses between Berlin Linien Bus, Eurolinse, FlixBus begin to run between cities.


The bus departure point in Dresden - Central Station (Hbf). There are several points of arrival in Berlin - the central bus station ZOB am Funkturm; Berlin-Schönefeld Airport (Schönefeld); Bahnhof Südkreuz; Berlin-Tegel Airport. Berlin can be reached from Dresden Airport (Flughafen Dresden).

The fare will be from € 12, for the promotion - € 6. Travel time is a little over two hours.

I recommend to see the tickets on the flixbus website.

By train

RE train at Dresden train station

The train ride is more comfortable and faster, but more expensive. Trains leave from the main station of Dresden (Dresden Hbf) and arrive mainly at the central station of Berlin (Berlin Hbf), and some at Berlin Ostbahnhof. Between cities ply trains. The first train leaves at 04:15, the interval is about 2 hours.

The journey time is approximately 2 hours. It all depends on the type of train: ICE express train, IC fast train or regional RE train. The train goes 3 hours.

Prices for train tickets - from € 29. Buying train and train tickets is cheaper online than at the box office.

For the current train schedule and ticket prices, see the railway website.

By car

It takes about 2 hours by car from Dresden to Berlin. Follow the A 13 Autobahn. The road is good and pleasant in German.

Book a transfer here.

See car rental here.

How do I save on hotels?

Everything is very simple - look not only at the booking. I prefer the search engine RoomGuru. He is looking for discounts at the same time on Booking and on 70 other booking sites.

Watch the video: Berlin to Prague by EuroCity train from (May 2024).

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